On February 19th and 24th, a team led by Antonio Pellicer, GC of NIBUG, Ignasi Pérez Arnal, development coordinator and partner of BIM Academy and Sònia Martí will initiate relations with different Indian companies in the AECO sector and the hospital sector with to create synergies and new projects in the country.

During the trip to India, NIBUG participates in the India Hospital Design and Build Summit 2018 (IHDB) where besides being a Corporate Sponsor, he will also participate in two presentations. The first to present the industrialization of construction in the hospital sector, with its HBS project and the second conference will be held together with IBIMA (India BIM Association) to publicize the implementation of BIM in hospital construction.

During meetings with builders, real estates, providers, architects and organizations, the benefits of the HBS system will be announced, a methodology that contributes to the industrialization of construction and the transformation of the project to BIM.

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